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400 Front Panel Schematic: A Curious What-If

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2020 8:45 am
by CommodoreZ
A few months ago, Glitch and I were discussing 6502 front panels (which, surprise surprise, is a common point of discussion for me). He mentioned that there was a schematic for a front panel that would work with the 400 board.
400 front panel.png
400 front panel.png (86.41 KiB) Viewed 3627 times
I don't know about you, but this looks like a 300 front panel that has been scaled up from a 7-bit to a 16-bit address space. Fascinating, simple design.

While I realize it would have been impractical and/or unnecessary for most users, I imagine someone may have taken a crack at making one. Have any of y'all seen evidence to indicate someone ever built one of these?